Animal Questions

- Are your animals organic?
- No. However, I would offer this point to ponder. A cow is and will always be an herbivore. Mother Nature never intended her to consume corn. While corn without the cob is the largest of grasses, organic animals are able to consume organic corn. Our animals never consume corn, which we believe produces a product that is not only good for you, but tastes pretty darn good too!
- What do you feed your animals?
- When Mother Nature loads our pastures with up to four feet of snow, we process round bales of hay that were made during the prior summer.
- Do they get grain?
- Never.
- What supplements do you give your cattle?
- The cattle receive free choice at a mineral block. The fifty-pound mineral block contains trace minerals and other necessary microbials that the soil is not efficient in.
- How do you raise your animals?
- Upon conception, the mother raises the animal until it is gradually weaned at 10 months. During these first months of life, the calf learns of its natural world in a stress-free environment. For the next six to fourteen months, the stocker is a part of the intense rotation cycle between our farms' seventy paddocks as well as a member of our winter-feeding program.
- Are animals confined?
- No, except for one occasion. Due to the unglaciated terrain, erosion is a major concern. During the spring thaw, our soils are in their most precarious state and podding caused by the cow's hooves put it in greatest risk. As a result, we take cattle off of pastures to minimize erosion. Aside from that, each animal is free to roam within each paddock or pasture.
- Do you vaccinate?
- No. Our diet and environment provide the necessary conditions that forever negate the need to vaccinate.
- Do you use antibiotics?
- Only in the most extreme conditions (when the animal's life is in jeopardy) do we at Mountain Lane intervene with antibiotics.
- Do you use hormones?
- No.
- How much does a quarter beef cost and what will I get?
- Meat is priced per pound by the cut. Please call us for the current price. Depending on the carcass, you can expect to receive 100 pounds of which approximately 35 pounds are steaks, approximately 35 pounds are roasts and 30 pounds in hamburger.
- How much room will that take?
- Most refrigerators will handle twenty pounds, so unless you have a chest freezer, you can work with us to get your meat as you need it.
- Don't have freezer space? Here are some suggestions.
- We can work with you to set up an arrangement for which you are able to get your order.
You could contact a local locker to reserve locker space for the time you have your meat.
- Do I have to buy a whole animal?
- Not at all. We can arrange to hold the meat at our partner lockers.
- What breed are the cattle? Why?
- Angus. We believe that the Lowline families of the breed will help us raise smaller cattle that will yield a heavy carcass.
- How are your animals slaughtered?
- Based on rules established by the Animal Welfare Approved organization, our animals can only be rendered at an Animal Welfare Approved facility. Currently, we have two. Premier Meats near Viroqua and Black Earth Meat Market in Black Earth are our two partners and both render animals to the highest ethical standards.
- How do you know that the meat that comes back from the butcher is yours?
- It has been source verified by either Black Earth Meat Market or Premier Meat Market and contains both the Animal Welfare Approved label and coming in June, Something Special in Wisconsin.
- How does it taste?
- Our friends say that either they have never have meat that tastes so good or for older friends, it reminds them of the meat they had as children. We invite you to try Mountain Lane Meat.
- Is it lean?
- When first married, my wife prepared some hamburger from a large grocery store. The amount of fat that came from that 'lean' hamburger was atrocious. Since then we eat Mountain Lane Farm meat and Sharon can tell you that in our ten years of marriage, we have not had as much fat from the hundreds of pounds of hamburger as we did with that store bought pound.
- Do you deliver?
- We do. We understand that your life is frenetic and if we can save you one more trip, we are happy to do that. Please work with us to arrange delivery time right to your home or chosen location.
- How much notice do you need if I decide to buy from Mountain Lane Farm?
- Depending upon availability, we can usually provide you with a quarter, half or whole animal in 3 - 5 weeks. Simply call Sharon or me at 608-874-4414 for availability and timeline in which to receive your order.